Tuesday, May 26, 2015

2015 Summer Learning Challenge

 "For Alabama's students, summer is a time of fun, but those months away from school can result in a loss of knowledge and reading ability. The Summer Learning Challenge raises awareness of the summer loss epidemic, shares compelling research on the importance of personalized reading activities and provides access to a variety of free resources to support targeted reading and math summer learning." - via alsde.edu
Click here for links to a variety of FREE reading and math activities and resources:
This includes FREE access to Stride Academy, an online game-based adaptive learning platform for math, reading and science, accessible on tablets, PCs and Macs anytime, 24/7. Stride Academy delivers awesome video games as a reward for completing academic tasks, so students are motivated to practice skills throughout the summer and better prepare themselves for a new school year in the fall!

To print the press release about this challenge:
2015 Summer Learning Challenge Press Release

Friday, May 22, 2015

ARI and Education Week Chat

Tuesday, May 26th at 1:00 CST, join ARI and Education Week for an online chat regarding our work, our structure, and our coaching support.

Click here: ARI and Education Week Chat

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

ARI Regional Staff learned all about Student-Centered Coaching with Diane Sweeney

Seven Core Practices for Student-Centered Coaching 

1. Setting goals for coaching cycles 
2. Creating learning targets based on the standards 
3. Using student evidence to co-plan instruction 
4. Organizing coaching through cycles 
5. Co-teaching with a focus on effective instructional practices 
6. Measuring the impact of coaching on student and teacher learning 
7. Partnering with the school leader 

Click here for:

Follow Diane on Twitter:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Summer Learning Opportunities!

ARI Foundations for Beginning Reading
June 9-11, 8:30 – 3:30
Lincoln Professional Development Center, 901 9th Avenue North, Birmingham, 35204

In this 3-day professional development series, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Conceptual Framework for Learning.  Participants will gain a deeper understanding of scientifically-based reading research exploring explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  Participants will observe lessons incorporating student engagement and formative assessment.  Participants will receive an 18 hour professional development certificate from the Alabama Reading Initiative at the conclusion of the 3-day session.

ARI Strategic Teaching: 
Literacy in the Content Area
June 9-11, 8:30 - 3:30
Lincoln Professional Development Center, 901 9th Avenue North, Birmingham, 35204

This session provides opportunities to learn how to incorporate literacy strategies in your content area through strategic teaching.  The purpose of the session is to provide engaging tools to help students become strategic learners, critical thinkers, and comprehenders of your classroom content – science, history, math, language arts, vocational and elective classes as required by Alabama College- and Career- Readiness Standards.  Participants will receive an 18 hour professional development certificate from the Alabama Reading Initiative at the conclusion of the 3-day session.