Wednesday, May 21, 2014

UAB Pre-Service Training: ARI Beginning Reading

Resources and Links

Professional books:

Explains how to select words for instruction, introduce their meanings, and create engaging learning activities that promote both word knowledge and reading comprehension.

A list of the critical words students must know to be successful with the Common Core State Standards and any other standardized assessment they encounter. 

Assessment resources and tools you need to document a child’s strengths and areas of need and get effective instructional strategies to teach skills that are missing.


Make Take & Teach Blog:

Printable resources for teaching reading:

Download Progress Monitoring materials and other early literacy resources:

Phoneme Segmentation Assessment:

San Diego Quick Assessment:


Useful Apps:

audioboo logo

Great to allow students to record themselves reading - for fluency, reports, and other projects.

Reading Rockets

Table Tap Method Explanation: