Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Learning Forward Alabama Conference Gems and Gold Nuggets

Learning Forward Alabama

               Congratulations to Dr. Boyd, Rogan, Director of Regional In-Service Center, for receiving the "Professional Developer of the Year" award!  We are so proud of you!

ARI Region 5 had the privilege of attending Learning Forward Alabama, the 25th Annual Meeting and Fall Conference, on November 18th- 20th. 

Learning Forward Alabama Website

We spent two days with Eleanor Drago-Severson, author of Leading Adult Learning - Supporting Adult Development in Our Schools. Dr. Drago-Severson introduced us to her "Ways of Knowing," adapted from Kegan's constructive-developmental theory. She states, "In the context of education, our way of knowing shapes the way we understand our role and responsibilities as a teacher, principal, superintendent, or learner and the way we think about what makes a good teacher or a good superintendent. Drago-Severson discusses this in depth in Chapter 2 of her book:

Click here:
Leading Adult Learning

Learning Forward Alabama was able to visit the beautiful Hayes K-8 School. Pictured below is Mr. Cedric Tatum, Principal of Hayes K-8 School, sharing information about their amazing farm lab.

Hayes K-8 School Motto: I can! I will! Watch me!

The third day of Learning Forward Alabama was spent with Ron Berger, author of Leaders of their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through Student-Engaged Assessment. Berger shared EL Education's "Dimensions of Student Achievement," which includes Mastery of Knowledge and Skills, Character, and High-Quality Student Work. 

EL Education has a lot of free videos and resources for educators on their website:
EL Education Website

Ron Berger's book can be purchased here:
Leaders of their Own Learning

                 Ron Berger signing our books. 

One concurrent session that we attended at the conference was "Maximize Learning with Mobile Devices," presented by Lauren Woodley, Angie Clark, Lee Hall, and Leslie Cash. Shelby County School District is using some great technology tools for professional development and in their school classrooms. They share lots of great resources on their Tech Treats Blog:

Shelby County Tech Treats Blog

Here are some of our favorites:


Presentation tool that allows teachers to create interactive lessons to be shared with their students (limited version available for Free).

Answer Garden
A brainstorming or formative assessment tool. Students add words or phrases to the ‘garden’ and the results ‘grow’ the more frequently they are answered.

Video lessons you can use that have been made by others or you can make your own. You can find videos to use, insert questions in them, crop, add your own voice to add audio notes, and track your students understanding. It keeps a record of each student’s response to the questions embedded in the video.

Kahoot! provides a fun and simple way to give formative assessments in real time and get feedback on student learning.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Dyslexia is now in the Alabama Administrative Code

According to the Alabama Dyslexia Resource Guide, "Dyslexia impacts between 10% and 20% of children in Alabama schools." 

Excerpt from the Introduction in the Alabama Dyslexia Resource Guide:

"The purpose of the Alabama Dyslexia Resource Guide is to provide guidance, useful information, and continually updated links to valuable resources to assist educators, administrators, and parents or guardians as they provide dyslexia-specific services and support for students in Alabama’s public schools. The Alabama State Board of Education Dyslexia Resolution was unanimously adopted on April 8, 2015, and is included in the Resources portion of this guide. The Dyslexia Resolution defined dyslexia, recognized the significant educational implications that may result for students with dyslexia, called for the creation of a Dyslexia Advisory Council, and called for revision of the Alabama Administrative Code to acknowledge and address dyslexia and subsequent services needed to ensure the success of students with dyslexia. The Dyslexia Amendments to the Alabama Administrative Code were adopted by the State Board of Education and are included in the Resources portion of this guide. Implementation of these amendments within a tiered, instructional framework should result in improved educational outcomes for all students."

You may find the Dyslexia Resource Guide in the Alabama Reading Initiative's section of the Alabama State Department of Education's web site (click on the tab at the top of this blog). Be sure to check the data stamp on the document to see which version you are downloading. This document has been revised numerous times and will likely continue to be a work in progress, as we strive to make it the best resource possible for Alabama teachers and administrators.